what is your story?

I have been part of "The World is My Audience" and specifically on #twima8-We All Have A Story!  Where we can talk about our experiences and share them with the rest of the world.  The videos are uploaded to flipgrid a video discussion platform used both by students and educators around the world. Usually teachers post topics to start the conversation and students answer. In this project the topic was "What is your story?"

Some years ago I went to an English course in Malta during one month so if you ask me for my best experience I talk to you about this one. I feel very excited to can share my experience because it was very special for me and I think it is an experience that everyone must try! I have enjoyed a lot seeing my classmates’ experiences too.

On the other hand, I think it is a very interesting tool for our students because it is an opportunity for them to share their ideas, thoughts, feelings while they are improving their linguistic competencies.

Being part of an international collaborative project has a lot of advantages more:  you can connect with people who are in other countries, it could be very emotional, it create empathy, you can know more about people lives and you can enjoy of a lot of different sad, happy, scary.. stories.

This is my experience: 

And here is the grid where you can find all the video contributions of the classmates:

