Learning online

Today I am going to share with you a new experience: learning online.

I have done before several times because I think it is a good way to adapt your available time to learn and nowadays most people have smartphones, tablets, computers… so it is a good alternative to learn!

The 24th of April I attended a webinar carried out by María Jesús García called "APRENDIZAJE EN LÍNEA Y COMPETENCIA DIGITAL EDUCATIVA"
The webinar was about different online training courses for teachers that are offered by the Ministry of Education through the INTEF.
She talked about the DIGITAL COMPETENCE PORTFOLIO FOR TEACHERS. The main purpose of the Portfolio is to promote the acquisition, development and improvement of the Digital Competence of teachers. The Portfolio has the following structure:

It describes your personal and professional data.
Self-assess your level of Digital Teaching Competence in the 5 areas of the Common Framework of Digital Competence Teaching (Information and data literacy, Communication and collaboration, Digital content creation, Safety and Problem solving)
It offers you the opportunity to add and organize those evidences that you consider to endorse your Digital Teaching Competition. Here you can add badges, stamps, certificates, diplomas, projects, works with students in educational centres, publications...
The Passport of the Digital Teacher Competence shows the level that has reached in this competence. There are 6 levels of Digital Competence (A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2) and you can advance in these levels improving your competencies.

To improve Digital competence it is offered some possibilities:

It is a micro-learning app for teachers, aimed at enabling teachers to acquire and / or develop digital skills, skills and competencies in a simple and fast way.  (5-7 minutes) Perfect while you are waiting your turn to see the doctor!

Collaborative nano learning and open free online courses. They are open for 10 days but the materials remain available for later use.

Collaborative open learning (3-5 week courses)

Learning experiences at your own pace.

We are currently part of a global and interactive society that uses technological devices and applications, directly or indirectly influencing all aspects of life so why not to learn how to use them in our classroom?  They can be very funny, motivating, developer of creativity...for our students.

Other thing that I want to shared with you is that I attended to this talk trought a webinar. A webinar is a type of conference transmitted over Internet. The main characteristic is the interactivity that occurs between the participants and the speaker. Nowadays is a a very common way to learn and I like it so much! New technologies are changing our world for better and it is an example of that, you can attend to a talk which is taking place far away of you and interact with the talker and other participants. So learning trought a webinar let us access to an infinty world of knowledge.
