Resource bank for teaching CLIL

Photography by GeraltCCO CREATIVE COMMONS

Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about content curation tools.

As teachers we have the responsibility to select the materials we are going to give to our students. Not everything is worth. We have to select the materials according to what and how we want to teach and our student’s needs.

We have some tools where we can find a lot of resources, for example:

With these tools we can select different folders with different contents for example games, questions, displays to decorate the classroom... so they are resources with a lot of advantages for our students. They can be very funny, raise our students’ motivation, synthesize the main ideas of a topic, remember them the contents...

I want to share with you my Pinterest profile. It is a page where people share their materials for free.  You can find a lot of materials like readings, worksheets, classroom posters, creative writing task... and then you can download and print them and you can share your own materials too.
I like this option because in this page you can organize your own folders.

This page also promotes interaction among the members of the collective, which allows you to write messages.

You can catch a glimpse of my account here:  MyPinterest
