What have I learnt?

Hello everyone! Today I am going to tell you my personal experiences during ICT subject.

When I started I felt very nervous because I had to do a lot of tasks that I had no idea how to do it and I was not very good at ICT. Now I feel more confidence because of the hours that I have spent investigating some tools and the help of my classmates! 

The best and more useful tools for me and the tools that I am using in my class are:

I have created an avatar to introduce myself, speak with my students, present some contents... I think it is one of the most useful tools I have learnt.

I learnt also how important is respecting copyrights. It is one of the most important things we have to teach to our students.

In this page you can find a lot of images or pictures with license ready to use them !

I think I will never use Power Point anymore! Getting the attention of our students while we are presenting some contents is essential and I think with this tool you can do it!

The most useful tool for me. I had never thought before about comics as an educational resource and I thing they are the best discovering during this subject because they have a lot of advantages for my class. We can use them for motivating students, presenting contents, letting them think about some values or situations, developing their creativity, expressing their feelings... so it is a very complete tool!

Creating Infographics was very interesting too. I thing visual elements are good for learning and in English learning they can help our students to understand better the contents, remember them, identify the main ideas... so it is a good tool to decorate the classroom with the contents we study!

I have created an audio channel to motivate my students to solve cognitive challenges and let them the opportunity to make their own challenges for their classmates. I think it is an easy way to motivate them in a subject that sometimes they do not like it so much. But in this task I saw a lot of interesting ideas from my classmates. For example, creating their own recordings to make a poems’ collection from Patricia Portela"s blogSo the opportunity to learn from my classmates is a good advantage of this subject!

I have created a video in order to students know what is the meaning of machism and identify it in their daily lives. After creating the storyboard with Google Docs , we went to the future classroom lab to work with chroma. I have never done it before but I like the experience. It was great and I think it let us a lot of possibilities to create educational videos and it could be very interesting for our students because they can enjoy a lot while they are learning contents and improving their communicative skills.

Since we are talking about videos.... what do you think about sharing your experiences with other people?

I have participated in a cooperative project called Twima 8 - The world is my audience  where people can share their own stories around the world using this tool.

To sum up, I think ICT gives teachers an infinity world of possibilities to motivate and develop our students’ abilities, so for that reason it is important that they learn to use them too!

Some tasks were complex and I needed a lot of time to do them (especially at the end of the course) but I think it was worth it.  I suppose with more practice I will spend less time to control these tools. Now I feel more confidence with ICT and I want to use all the resources that I have learnt during  the course in my class. 

On the other hand the best thing for me was the possibility to learn from my classmates trought the blogs. I have a lot of ideas from other classmates that I will put in practise in my future! and I will continue looking for ideas and resources trought internet from teachers from all over the world and sharing my experiences!

Here you can see my personal opinion about the subject and the tasks that I did:
