In the LAST POST I told you that we were working in a video project about male chauvinism.
The main goal of that project is that children analyse some attitudes and situations which are male chauvinist.

Other objectives are:
-to think about male chauvinist attitudes in their daily life.
- to analyse some songs that they are used to listening.
- to evaluate the role of the women in the society.
- to evaluate the values that some traditional films try to transmit us.

I am going to explain step by step the process to create the video.

1. Firstly, we planned the different scenes we wanted to record and prepared all the materials we needed.

2. Secondly, we went to MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTE to record the scenes in a chroma.

3. Thirdly, we used MOVAVI to add different backgrounds. You must pay for it but we used a free trial and it was very easy to use. You only need to add your video, the background you want and select the chroma option. The background came from PIXABAY.

4. Finally we used MOVIE MAKER to join all the scenes, use some filters and add text.

Creating this video was very funny because we laughed a lot recording it but creating a video needs a lot of previous work. You need to think about what you want to do, how, the age of the students, the goals... and only then you can plan the scenes!

TIPS:  it is important that all the characters know their roles before start recording and be sure you have all the materials you need.

We want an education system for equality, without taking into account the roles required for women or men from a sexist society and we think the best moment to start the change is when they are in primary (6 graders) because they can identify some attitudes and judge them with some maturity.
We are going to present the video and then they have to answer the questions that appear in it. We are going to try that they identify the same situations in their lives and start to build a critical judgment that let them avoid this situations.

Finally, you can see our project here: MICROMACHISM
