Mind map

Hello everyone! Today I am going to share with you my experience designing a mind map. I have used two tools:   CREATELY and MINDMEISTER

Firstly I decided to use CREATELY.

When I thought about the task I thought it was very easy to do but then It was a nightmare. I didn't know how to control a lot of options so it was very difficult for me to finish correctly the activity. There was always something disordered or I couldn't write or I didn't know how to do it... I suppose that it was my first time and I have to investigate and try more times. The main advantage that I found was that there were some templates to do the mind map. I always say that all people deserve a second opportunity so why not apply this philosophy in ICT class? but at first sight I don't know any advantage of this tool that we can't have with a Power Point (for example) and it is easier to use, so I don’t like this first experience at all.

Secondly I decided to use MINDMEISTER

I think it was easier to use. You have a little window with tips which helps you during the process.  You can select a template also and then you can change the contents. You can add videos, images...

In my opinion, selecting the most important information that you must add in your mind map is the most difficult part but it is an essential skill that we must have and let our students the opportunity to develop it. So I think I am going to practise it for myself to improve it.

Anyway, I think that the idea to create a mind map for our students is brilliant because they work better if they know in the first moment what they have to do. We must explain them the project, but it is a good idea to synthesize it and they can check the information quickly when they want.

Other advantages of using mind maps are:

• They allow organizing the information.
• They favour comprehension and memorization for the simplicity and for the use of images and colours.
• They facilitate the global vision of the subject treated.

I decided to create a project called “BLUE PATROLS” to let the students the opportunity to know the importance of taking care the environment and the water and to participate in their environment putting in practise this awareness.

With the mind map they can see what we are going to do in the next two sessions so it helps the class to work faster and organize the groups. They can also check faster the materials they need and they can find the video that we are going to see whenever they want.

The project has some challenges that are designed for them to participate actively in the school raising awareness about the importance of taking care the environment and they have a mission: check that all the taps of the school are closed. They know at the first moment, that they are going to use the new knowledge to improve their school so it could be very motivating for them.

This is my mind map: blue patrols
