Be legal!

Would you like if you create a perfect artwork and someone uses it and shares it without saying that it is yours? 
How would you feel if people love your artwork but nobody knows that it is yours?

Well, you are doing the same when you use and share images and videos from internet without any awareness of who did them.

Using images is an educational resource that let the students the opportunity to understand, organise, relate and reinforce the learned contents so it is an essential tool in Bilingual Education. However it is important that we and our students use our own elaborations or learn to cite and attribute the source of the image to avoid plagiarism.

In the next topic, I have used some images from, an international website where you can exchange a lot of photos. The images on this site are registered in the public domain according to Creative Commons / Creative Commons CC0 Licenses.

TOPIC: Energy sources

  • Renewable energy sources

Renewable energy sources can be replaced, so they will never run out.

Solar energy
We use solar panels in sunny climates to use the energy from sunlight. 

Photography by MrgansoCC0 Creative Commons

Wind energy
We use wind turbines in windy places to use wind energy.

Photography by Distel2610CC0 Creative Commons

Water energy

We build dams to use energy from water movements.

Photograpy by RussmacCC0 Creative Commons


Biomass is organic material derived from living things, such as wood, dried vegetation or food waste.  They are used like fossil fuels.

Photography by RecyclingCC0 Crative Commons

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is heat produced underground.

Photography by falcoCC0 Creative Commons

  • Non- renewable energy sources

Non-renewable energy sources are limited.

Fossil fuels: coal, oil and gas natural.

Nuclear power

Nuclear power stations use a radioactive metal, called uranium to generate electricity.

Now think about the importance of taking care of our planet and energy saving!
